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ABSA Webinar Series
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Virtual Tour - Ascham School - 2020
Virtual Boarding House Tours

Virtual Boarding House Tours

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Since 1887 boarding has played a significant role in the development of Ascham. It promotes lifelong friendships within a very special community, one that is right at the heart of the School.
For boarders, the School is their home and the focus of their learning, creating a wonderful sense of community for the boarders and for every girl in the School.
Girls learn to live harmoniously with one another in a respectful and caring community and enjoy a supervised academic program as well as a comprehensive weekend activity program.
When our girls graduate they are enriched with the memories of their experiences, and the strong friendships they develop remain dear to them throughout their lives.
There are now more than 130 boarders from Years 7 to 12 with the majority from country NSW, and some from Sydney suburbs, interstate and overseas.