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ABSA Webinar Series
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“From the hard shoulder to the fast lane” Child Protection and Safeguarding
On Demand 2022 Term 4

On demand - 2022 - Term 4

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Webinar Description
Webinar Theme:
In 2020, Dilworth engaged Child Wise Australia to conduct a Child Safety Review to develop a deep understanding of child safety across the organisation. The Review engaged all stakeholders, especially students and families, provided a transparent, systemwide view of child safety at Dilworth. Included, was an extensive desktop review of policies and procedures, training, front-facing materials such as the Dilworth website, and materials used to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders. Leaders were interviewed, and focus group discussions were facilitated for students, parents, volunteers, and staff. Since receiving the findings report Dilworth embarked on a challenging journey to achieve Accreditation - and what a journey it has been! This webinar will unpack:
  • Dilworth's Improvement Plan using the National Child Safe Principles (Australia)
  • Key Safeguarding policies
  • School culture change
  • Student participation and empowerment 
  • The outcome and continuous improvement