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ABSA Webinar Series
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Early Career Employee Pathways
On Demand 2021 Term 3

On demand - 2021 - Term 3

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Webinar Description
Webinar Theme:
You might think that a 'career' is something that you can think about later, but when students adopt this attitude they are often missing out on the opportunities that are right in front of them.
Too, often our ideas about certain careers or pathways aren't accurate. Many students say that a specific course wasn't what they imagined when they signed up. In fact, I in 5 students will drop out of their course in their first year of study. So, we are here to help you lead more informed career and pathway conversations with your child via a more critical lens.
Topics for discussion:
  •  Common career misconceptions and the realities.
  •  Understanding how to evaluate courses and careers more effectively.
  •  What is ATAR and how to use it effectively, a guide for parents.
  •  What does data tell us?
  •  The future of work, which industries are in oversupply and where is the demand (5 - 10 year landscape).
  •  How is the rural and regional employment landscape different to metro Australia.